KM0532 5组控制端 32端口 矩阵式KVM 多电脑切换器
品牌: [查询该品牌全部商品] 单位:个 积分:0 重量:6070 克 ATEN Matrix矩阵式KVM多电脑切换器专为现代的数据中心量身打造,以满足高可靠度、高安全性访问与控管多台服务器的管理需求。通过Non-blocked服务器访问与弹性化扩充能力,矩阵式KVM多电脑切换器提供管理人员安全、实时的高质量影像信号传递,以有效控管数据中心的所有设备。

ATEN Matrix矩阵式KVM多电脑切换器专为现代的数据中心量身打造,以满足高可靠度、高安全性访问与控管多台服务器的管理需求。通过Non-blocked服务器访问与弹性化扩充能力,矩阵式KVM多电脑切换器提供管理人员安全、实时的高质量影像信号传递,以有效控管数据中心的所有设备。
藉由先进的自动色偏补偿与自动信号补偿技术,Matrix矩阵式KVM多电脑切换器具备绝佳的影像质量强化能力,通过Cat 5e/6线缆连接,在距离服务器300m远的地点仍可维持1280x1024@60Hz的优异视频分辨率。此外,业界首创的全屏图形化使用者接口(GUI)功能,可将安装的设备以树状列表检视,提供流畅的导引与便利的存取控管,大幅节省使用者操作学习时间与成本,并提升管理效益。
- 硬件
- 5组控制端可独立或同步控管32台服务器
- 弹性扩充能力 - 可随服务器数量成长进行弹性化扩充安装
•堆叠串联KH1508A/KH1516A/KN2116A/KN2124v/KN2132/ KN2140v/ KN4116/ KN4124v/ KN4132/ KN4140v KVM多电脑切换器 New!
•支持控制端扩充功能 – 可通过使用KA7178双输出电端模块连接服务器或是Dual Root架构*以支持高达18组控制端 New! - 支持音频功能以方便使用多媒体设备
- 冗余电源供应以确保24x7的高可靠度运作
- 支持多平台: PC、Mac、Sun与串口控制端访问 - 能以任何类型的控制端控管各种服务器平台;控制端与电脑端皆支持双接口组合(PS/2与USB)
- 精巧的机身设计,仅需占用1U的机架空间
*Dual Root 架构支持与否须视固体版本而定
简易操作界面 - 首创全屏图形化使用者接口 - 大幅节省使用者操作学习时间与成本,并提升管理效益
- 内嵌式web接口可简易进行系统组态设定与管理
- 树状检视 – 所有连接的设备皆可整合至单一的设备树形图检视,以方便访问管理
- 当机台增加时连接端口列表会自动扩充 - 当机台顺序改变时,连接端口名称会自动进行组态重新设定
- 支持使用者多国语言接口 - 英文、德文、日文、韩文、繁体中文、简体中文与俄罗斯文
- 简化的OSD模式,可为所有类型的使用者账户限定使用功能 New!
便利的连接端口操作 - 可通过热键组合或图形化使用者接口(GUI)进行服务器选择
- 连接端口层级访问控管 - 不论是单一连接或通过堆叠/菊链串连的服务器,仅有被授权的使用者能够进行访问
- 控制端选择功能可选择设定控制端对连接端口之间的联机,以便于检视及操作电脑
- 影像传送热键可让使用者将控制端的联机传送到另一个控制端以供其它使用者检视及操作
- 使用者可同时执行多台电脑的访问功能 - 例如当第二台电脑正在使用虚拟媒体功能时,使用者可同时于第一台电脑上作业并聆听音乐
- 多重显示(MultiView)功能可支持群组单一电脑通过多张视频卡所连接的多个连接端口 New!
- 多方音频传送功能可让多个控制端访问相同的KVM连接端口,以让使用者皆可听到同一个连接端口所播放的音频
- 多元的连接端口执行模式,提供弹性化的服务器管理
•扫描 - 可自动监控使用中的电脑
•占用 - 当第一位使用者访问控管连接端口时,其余登录者仅可浏览该连接端口的信号输出
•共享 - 在合作基础下,可允许多位使用者拥有一个连接端口的控制权
•支持广播功能 - 使所有连接的服务器同时执行相同指令 - 关闭工具列功能 – 关闭显示在屏幕上的工具列,当使用工具列热键可让使用者快速回到GUI画面
管理 - 支持多达1024个使用者账号与255个群组账号
- 三层密码安全机制 - 超级管理者、管理者与使用者
- 强化的密码管制功能 - 密码期限、密码更新需求、账号失效与账号期限
- 支持取消OSD登入模式,可让无授权的使用者登入 New!
- 支持取消RS-232登入模式,可允许无授权的序列终端登入 New!
- 智能信道分配 - 在菊链或堆叠串接的多信道情况下,主要机台可为使用者分配最佳通道
- 可整合远程电源管理方案(Power Over the NET™)进行电源控管
- 电源整合功能可使切换器的KVM端口连接PDU的电源插座,从切换器的接口远程控管服务器电源
- 支持RS-232串行端口登入功能,可允许管理人员通过所有连接切换器的控制端存取控管KVM连接端口 - 任何控制端皆可通过单一的接口端被指派到任一KVM连接端口
- 时段管理 - 时段终止功能可提供管理人员强制使用者注销的能力
- 提供备份与修复组态设定以及使用者账号信息
- 所有菊链与堆叠串接的切换器与所连接的电脑端模块可同时进行固件更新
- 电脑端模块ID - 连接端口的组态设定信息可储存于模块中,因此当服务器移至新的连接端口时,毋须再重新进行模块组态设定
- 远程认证支持:RADIUS、LDAP、TACACS、LDAPS及MS Active Director
- 支持ATEN日志服务器及Syslog服务器
虚拟媒体 - 虚拟媒体功能可将储存设备资源共享给所有连接的服务器,操作者可通过单一的控制端执行档案传输、应用程序安装或OS修补作业
- 可于操作系统与BIOS层级控管USB接口服务器
- 支持DVD/CD驱动与USB储存设备
- 可同时于KA7177电脑端模块所连接的服务器上附挂智能卡卡片阅读机及虚拟媒体 New!
影像质量 - 使用者的显示设备可随远程服务器的分辨率不同而自动调整
- 高视频分辨率 - 1280x1024@60Hz达300m
- 取得及储存EDID屏幕信息以更新至KVM转换连接线,优化显示分辨率
- 自动信号补偿(ASC)功能可确保服务器与控制端距离在300m时,仍拥有最佳的视频分辨率,需调整DIP切换设定
- 控制端模块KA7240与最新的电脑端模块系列(KA7120, KA7170, KA7130, KA7176)皆支持自动色偏补偿(automatic skew compensation)以强化影像质量
电脑连接数 | 直接 | 32 |
控制端连接数 | 5 | |
连接端口选择 | 图形化使用者接口(GUI)、热键 | |
接口 | 控制端连接端口 | 5 x RJ-45 母头 |
电脑端连接端口 | 32 x RJ-45 母头 (黑) | |
菊链串接 | 1 x VHDCI 68 母头 (黑) | |
LAN | 1 x RJ-45 母头 | |
PON | 1 x RJ-45 母头 (黑) | |
电源 | 2 x 3-prong AC Socket | |
开关 | 重置 | 1 x 半嵌式按键 |
电源 | 2 x 翘板开关 | |
固体更新 | 1 x 滑动开关 | |
LED指示灯 | 控制端连接端口(上线) | 5 (绿) |
电脑端连接端口 (上线/已选择) |
32双色(绿/红) | |
电源 | 1 (蓝) | |
输入额定值 | 100 - 240V~, 50/60 Hz; 1A | |
耗电量 | 120V/45W; 240V/46W | |
模拟方式 | 键盘/鼠标 | PS/2; USB |
扫描区间 | 1-240秒 | |
视频分辨率 | 1280x1024@60Hz 最远达300M | |
作业环境 | 操作温度 | 0 - 50°C |
储存温度 | -20 - 60°C | |
湿度 | 0-80% RH, 无凝结 | |
机体属性 | 外壳 | 金属 |
重量 | 6.07kg | |
尺寸 ( 长 x 宽 x 高 ) |
43.36 x 41.09 x 4.40cm |
Computer Connections | |
Direct | 32 |
Console Connections | 5 |
Port Selection | GUI, Hotkey |
Connectors | |
Console Ports | 5 x RJ-45 Female |
KVM Ports | 32 x RJ-45 Female |
Daisy Chain Ports | 1 x VHDCI 68 Female (Black) |
LAN Ports | 1 x RJ-45 Female |
PON | 1 x RJ-45 Female |
Power | 2 x IEC 60320/C14 |
Switches | |
Reset | 1 x Semi-recessed Pushbutton |
Power | 2 x Rocker |
Firmware Upgrade | 1 x Slide |
LEDs | |
KVM Port (On Line /Selected) | 32 Dual-colored (Green / Orange or Red) |
Power | 1 (Blue) |
Maximum Input Power Rating | 100–240V~, 50/60 Hz; 1A |
Power Consumption | 120V/45W; 240V/46W |
Emulation | |
Keyboard / Mouse | PS/2; USB |
Scan Interval | 1-240 Seconds |
Video | 1280x1024@60Hz max. 300 m |
Environmental | |
Operating Temperature | 0 - 50°C |
Storage Temperature | -20 - 60°C |
Humidity | 0-80% RH, Non-condensing |
Physical Properties | |
Housing | Metal |
Weight | 6.07 kg ( 13.37 lb ) |
Dimensions (L x W x H) | 43.84 x 41.09 x 4.40 cm (17.26 x 16.18 x 1.73 in.) |
5-Console 32-Port Matrix KVM Switch
KM0532 Zoom In KM0532 KM0532 KM0532
ATEN Matrix KVM Switches are designed for modern data centers that require reliable, high security access and control of multiple servers. With non-blocked access and flexible expansion support, Matrix KVM switches offer high quality video sessions for secure, real-time control of your entire data center devices.
With automatic skew compensation and Auto Signal Compensation (ASC) techniques, Matrix KVM switches provide greatly enhanced video quality via Cat 5e/6 cabling - 1280x1024 @60Hz for up to 300 meters. The industry’s first full screen Graphical User Interface offers a tree view list of installed devices - providing smooth navigation and convenient access and control - not only saving on training time and costs; but increasing user efficiency, as well.
5-Console 32-Port Matrix KVM Switch
ATEN Matrix KVM Switches are designed for modern data centers that require reliable, high security access and control of multiple servers. With non-blocked access and flexible expansion support, Matrix KVM switches offer high quality video sessions for secure, real-time control of your entire data center devices.
5 consoles independently and simultaneously control up to 32 directly connected servers
Flexible expansion - the installation can grow as your needs grow:
• Up to 7 Matrix Expansion KVM switches can be daisy chained from a master switch
• Switches can be cascaded to three levels
• Supports cascading KH1508/KH1516/KN2116A/KN2124v/KN2132/ KN2140v/ KN4116/ KN4124v/ KN4132/ KN4140v switches
• Console expansion support – allows up to 18 consoles to access the servers on the installation by connecting servers with the KA7178 Dual Output KVM Adapter Cables or via a Dual Root configuration* NEW!
Audio support for multimedia-capable devices
Redundant power supply for 24 x 7 reliability
Multiplatform support: PC, Mac, Sun, and Serial Console access - any type of console can control any type of computer; mixed combinations (PS/2 & USB) supported on both the console and computer sides
Compact design – rack mounts in only 1U of rack space
* Dual Root configuration support depends on firmware version
Ease-to-Use Interface
Full screen graphical user interface - saves on training time and costs - increases user efficiency
Embedded web interface for easy system configuration and management
Composite tree view - all connected devices are integrated in a single device tree for convenient management access and control
The port list automatically expands when stations are added - port names are automatically reconfigured when the station sequence changes
Multilingual user interface support - English, German, Japanese, Korean, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Russian
Simplified OSD Mode sets limited functionality for all user type accounts NEW!
Convenient Port Operation
Computer selection via GUI or intuitive hotkey combinations
Port level access control - users can only access the ports they have been authorized for - whether in a single-station or multi-stage installation
Console Selector allows setup of forced console to port connections for easy viewing and operation of computers
Push Video Hotkey allows a user to push their console’s port connection to another console for viewing or operating
Users can access features on multiple computers simultaneously - a user can be working and listening to music on computer 1 while utilizing virtual media on computer 2 at the same time
MultiView supports grouping for single port access to a computer connected to multiple ports utilizing multiple video cards NEW!
Multicast Audio gives multiple console access to the same KVM port – allowing both to listen to the audio being broadcast by that port
Versatile port operation modes for flexible server management:
• Scan - provides automatic monitoring of user-selected computers
• Exclusive - allows the first user to access a port to gain exclusive viewing rights and control over it for as long as he accesses it
• Occupy - allows the first user to access a port to control that port while others can only view it
• Share – allows multiple users to access and control a port at the same time on a cooperative basis
Broadcast support enables executing the same command on multiple servers at the same time
Disable Toolbar function – disables Toolbar from showing on the screen when the toolbar hotkey is used, instantly returning user to the GUI instead
Supports up to 1024 user and 255 group accounts
Three level password security: Super Administrator, Administrator, User
Stringent password policy features that include password expiration; required password changes, account disabling, and account expiration.
Disable OSD Mode allows non-authenticated logins NEW!
Disable RS-232 Login Mode allows non-authenticated serial terminal logins NEW!
Intelligent Path Assignment - a master station can allocate the best available path for the user under multi-path cascading and daisy-chaining
Power Over the NET™ integration for power control
Power Association enables the switch’s KVM ports to be associated with a PDU´s power outlets for remote power management of the servers from the switch’s interface
RS-232 port login support permits an administrator to control the KVM port access for all consoles connected to switch - any console can be assigned to access any KVM port from a single interface point
Session Management - a Kill Session function provides administrators with the ability to force user logouts
Backup and restore of configuration settings and user account information
Firmware upgrades can be performed simultaneously on all daisy chained and cascaded slave switches as well as connected adapter cables
Adapter ID - adapter cable’s configuration information is stored with the adapter - no need to reconfigure the adapter when moving a server to a new port
Remote authentication supports; RADIUS, LDAP, TACACS, LDAPS, and MS Active Director
Supports ATEN Log Server and Syslog Server<
Virtual Media
Virtual Media support lets you map storage media to servers that are connected to the switch allowing operators to conduct file transfers, install applications and OS patches, and perform diagnostics from a single console
Works with USB enabled servers at the operating system and BIOS levels
Supports DVD/CD drives, USB mass storage devices
Supports mounting Smart Card Readers and Virtual Media at the same time, on computers connected with KA7177 Adapter Cables NEW!
User’s display automatically adjusts to resolution differences on the remote servers
Superior video quality – 1280 x 1024 @ 60 Hz for up to 300 m
Get and store EDID monitor information for updates on KVM adapters for optimum display resolutions
Auto Signal Compensation (ASC) assures optimum video resolution for distances up to 300 m between computers and consoles – no DIP switch setting required
Enhanced video quality via automatic skew compensation support for the KA7240 console module, and the newer KVM adapter cable series*
* With KVM Adapter Cable KA7xxx series
成都科汇科技有限公司 成立于 2004年,拥有十年KVM行业经验,为您提供完整的行业解决方案。HDMI DVI VGA、视频分配、切换、 延长、及高清信号转换接口。公司现已成为四川地区 Aten 宏正 官方唯一授权代理商
企业QQ: 4000281235
企业QQ: 4000281235