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Synology/群晖 EDS14 NAS 轻巧 专为严酷工业环境 监控设计
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重量:295 克
EDS14 麻雀虽小五脏俱全,搭载了 1.2GHz CPU 与 512MB 内存 ,成为运算能力及多任务处理能力的最佳保证。对于一台倚靠外接硬盘进行运算的机种来说,EDS14 展现了惊人的读取 / 写入效能 ─ 在 Windows® 环境中使用 USB 3.0 硬盘,可提供每秒高达 111.76MB 的读取速度和每秒 57.23MB 的写入速度;使用 UHS-I SDXC 卡则可提供每秒高达 77.93MB 的读取速度和每秒 45.65MB 的写入速度。1
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Embedded DataStationEDS14

轻巧、专为严苛环境设计的 NAS 服务器

Synology® Embedded DataStation EDS14 为一采用优质技术、体积仅手掌般大的 NAS 服务器。EDS14 结合了携带方便和耐热耐冷的特性,让你可以广泛地在各地域间布署 Synology 进阶的网络存储方案。EDS14 已预安装了 DSM 5.0,一开箱即能立刻启用。



EDS14 麻雀虽小五脏俱全,搭载了 1.2GHz CPU 与 512MB 内存 ,提供良好的运算能力及多任务处理能力。对于一台倚靠外接硬盘进行运算的机种来说,EDS14 展现了惊人的读取 / 写入效能 ─ 在 Windows® 环境中使用 USB 3.0 硬盘,可提供每秒高达 111.94MB 的读取速度和每秒 50.58MB 的写入速度;使用 UHS-I SDXC 卡则可提供每秒高达 77.81MB 的读取速度和每秒 45.4MB 的写入速度。1

(Unit: MB/Sec)

为艰巨环境设计的温度耐受力与 DC 电源输出

专为 EDS14 设计的动态散热机制,让 EDS14 能达到工业耐热度 -20°C ~ 50°C (-4°F ~ 122°F)。此外,除了提升温度耐受范围,EDS14 还可承受 7V 到 24V 的动态 DC 输入电压,因此兼容于多种不同电力来源,如汽车上的香烟打火机插座。


EDS14 无风扇、无硬盘的轻巧设计,可降低因震动所造成的硬件损坏,同时具备更高的耐久性与可靠度。EDS14 通过 EN45545及EN50155 认证,针对移动中车辆及铁路系统常面临的冲击、震动或严苛环境,能提供更好的耐用性。

丰富的 I/O 设计优化容量可用性

EDS14 先进的硬件设计容纳了双网络端口、一个 SD 卡插槽、USB 3.0 及 USB 2.0 各一的硬盘介面 ─ 在 125 x 125 x 31 mm 的小型机身中一应俱全。EDS14 支持新颖的外接存储介面 ─ USB 3.0 及 SDXC/UHS-I,提升系统速度和容量的可用性。

双网络端口与 3G/4G 支持确保优化的网络运作时间

EDS14 搭载双网络端口的设计,可避免本地网络任务及互联网联机相互干扰。对于 PoE 分配器的支持,让 EDS14 在 PoE 环境也能顺利部署。此外,支持移动网络 (需要 3G 或 4G 网卡) 让 EDS14 更能深入偏远地区。

排程的 DC 输出电流能供应外接设备电源

在没有电源插座的情况下,EDS14 高达 1A 的 DC 输出电流可经由排程,供应外接设备电源进行使用。通过 DiskStation Manager 5.0 的管理介面,可为周边设备远程设置开 / 关机及重置排程。

内建获奖无数的操作系统 ─ DiskStation Manager

EDS14 内建简洁、以浏览器为操作介面的 Synology DiskStation Manager (DSM) 操作系统,其运行在所有 DiskStation 与 RackStation 上,让管理你的 Synology NAS 成为一件再简单不过的事。DSM 提供直观的使用者介面,使存取和分享你的文件变得更聪明、简单。Synology 套件中心让你能针对个人或企业需求下载、安装适合的附加套件,这意味着你的生活可以拥有更多娱乐,同时为工作带来更高的生产力。了解更多

随时待命的云端 NVR

EDS14 是专门为 Synology Surveillance Station 设计的产品,提供多样化的 NVR 解决方案,能够满足大部分企业对于视频监控的严苛要求。你可以拥有搭配实时视频操作工具的优化实时观看体验、动作侦测等智能图像分析工具,以及通过短信、电子邮件和 DS cam 等发送实时通知的警示系统。Surveillance Station 目前支持的网络摄像机型号已过 4,000 种。 了解更多


Synology 旨在提供你便利的方法,让你能快速享受 EDS14 的所有服务。通过 Synology QuickConnect,你无需进行 DDNS 设置,更免除了复杂的路由器设置与端口转送过程,即可通过桌面计算机、笔记本电脑或移动设备,随时随地存取你的娱乐与工作文件,不需额外付费。 了解更多


File Station 提供你一个安全又快速的方法来分享与管理存放于 EDS14 上的所有档案。只需简单的拖拉动作,就可以从 Mac 或 PC 上传档案。进阶过滤器让搜寻文件、照片和影片变得更简单。藉由内建的 FTP 或 Email 客户端等服务,EDS14 让你可以使用更先进的网页应用程序,轻松地管理和分享档案。你甚至可以透过它的行动应用程序 – DS file,随时使用其他装置来存取、分享和管理位于 File Station 上的数字内容。此外,透过 HTTPS、SSL/TLS 加密,以及具有效期限的链接,可以提升在网络上分享档案的安全性。 了解更多


在 Windows®、Mac® 与 Linux® 平台间无缝地分享文件。EDS14 提供完整的网络协议支持,包含 FTP、SMB2、AFP、NFS 以及 WebDAV 等。你也无需担心遗失数据,因为回收站现在支持 AFP、CIFS、File Station 以及 WebDAV 等通讯协议。只要启动网络回收站,共享文件夹里被删除的文件会被自动移到另一个文件夹。 了解更多


EDS14 带给你全面的云端服务。Cloud Station 让你在不同 DiskStation 与多个设备间同步文件,包括 Windows PC、Mac、Linux、iOS、Android 及 Windows 移动设备等,其双向同步则可以实现在不同 DiskStation 间随时同步数据。通过 Cloud Sync,你甚至可以让存放于 Amazon Cloud Drive、Google Drive、Microsoft OneDrive、Dropbox、Box 及百度云等公有云端上的数据与你的 DiskStation 进行同步 – 建立你的混合云,享受更多存储弹性,以及预防文件遗失。 了解更多


EDS14 提供一个集中平台,让你管理、备份和分享照片、音乐与影片。透过接口简洁、流畅的 Synology 套件 — Photo Station、Audio Station 和 Video Station,你能够轻松打造无缝的娱乐中心。由于所有档案都可存放于 EDS14,你可以拥有更客制化的内容管理与分享权限。现在,再也不必担心每个月需额外支付使用储存空间。更棒的是,你的所有数字收藏都可以透过一个分享 连结与他人分享。 了解更多

Photo Station
Video Station
Audio Station


EDS14 与其他设备具有高度兼容性,让你能在既有的设备上享受并管理数字内容,例如电脑、移动设备、DLNA 设备和立体音响等。此外,Synology 提供新的电视串流支持,包含 Samsung 智能电视、Roku players、Apple TV 和 Google Chromecast,这意味着你可以轻松地将存储于 EDS14 上的数字内容串流到大屏幕电视。 了解更多

Samsung TV
Apple TV


Synology 提供多样化的移动 app — DS note、DS audio、DS video、DS photo、DS cloud、DS file、DS get 及 DS cam,让你可以使用智能型手机或平版电脑存取、管理 EDS14 上的内容。QuickConnect 带给你轻松的使用经验,让你免除复杂的路由器设置或端口转送问题。通过 Synology 移动 app,你随时随地都可以存取多媒体收藏和工作文件。 

Embedded DataStation EDS14
Palm-sized NAS server for rigorous environments

Synology® Embedded DataStation EDS14 is a state-of-the-art compact NAS server. Combining portability with endurance, EDS14 allows you to implement Synology's advanced network storage solutions in a wide range of physical locations. Pre-installed with DSM 5.0, EDS14 is ready-to-use right out of the box.


Optimal performance, compact body
Despite its small size, EDS14 is powered by a 1.2GHz CPU and 512MB of RAM, ensuring both computing and multi-tasking capabilities. For a model dependent upon external drives, EDS14 delivers remarkable read/write performance - up to 111.94 MB/sec reading and 50.58 MB/sec writing speeds with a USB 3.0 drive in a Windows® environment, as well as 77.81 MB/sec reading and 45.4 MB/sec writing speeds with a UHS-I SDXC card.1
(Unit: MB/Sec)
Read Write
Thermal durability and dynamic DC input for harsh environments
The dynamic cooling mechanism guarantees an industrial thermal endurance level from -20˚C to 50˚C (-4˚F to 122˚F). In addition, EDS14 tolerates dynamic DC input voltage from 7 to 24V, making it compatible with a variety of power sources, such as the cigarette lighter socket in your car.
Fan-less and drive-less design reduces vibration
EDS14 features a compact, fan-less, and drive-less design that lowers the chance of hardware failure resulting from vibrations, while also delivering higher durability and reliability. Being EN50155 and EN45545 certified, EDS14 delivers resistance to shock, fire, vibration, and harsh environments found in moving vehicles and railway industries.

Maximizing capacity with rich I/O
EDS14 comes with two LAN ports, one SD card reader, one USB 3.0, and one USB 2.0 interface - all inside a 125 x 125 x 31 mm enclosure. EDS14 supports the latest external storage interfaces - USB 3.0 and SDXC/UHS-I - maximizing both speed and capacity with the compatibility of various file systems.

Dual LAN ports and 3G/4G support maximizing network uptime
Equipped with two LAN ports, EDS14 protects local network tasks and Internet connection from mutual interference. With support for PoE splitters, EDS14 is also ideal for deployment in a PoE environment. In addition, support for mobile networks (3G or 4G modems required) brings EDS14 farther into remote locations.

Schedulable DC output to power external device
A schedulable DC output of up to 1A is available to power an external device where power outlets are out of reach. Peripheral devices can be powered on, off, or reset remotely according to a schedule using DiskStation Manager 5.0 management interface.

Installed Award Winning OS - DiskStation Manager
EDS14 is ready-to-use right out of the box as it comes pre-installed with Synology DiskStation Manager (DSM), a sleek, browser-based operating system running on every DiskStation and RackStation, which makes managing your Synology NAS a breeze. Featuring an intuitive user interface, DSM makes accessing and sharing your data smarter and simpler. Synology's Package Center lets you download and install useful add-on packages designed specifically for individual or business needs, meaning you can enjoy more entertainment in your life or better productivity at work.Learn more
Cloud-Ready NVR
Specifically designed to run Synology Surveillance Station, EDS14 provides a cutting-edge NVR solution that meets the most demanding enterprise surveillance requirements. You can have an optimized live view experience with on-screen operations, smart analytics tools like motion detection, and an alert system that sends instant notifications through SMS, e-mail, and DS cam. Surveillance Station now supports over 4,000 IP camera models. Learn more

Connect your data quickly and easily
Synology aims to provide you the most convenient way to enjoy all services on EDS14. With Synology QuickConnect, you don't have to deal with difficult DDNS setup. QuickConnect frees you from complicated router configuration and port-forwarding, so your entertainment and work files can be accessed on any computer, laptop, or mobile devices instantly without extra charge. Learn more

Ultimate file center
File Station is a fast and secure feature for sharing and managing your files stored on EDS14. Just drag-n-drop and upload data from Mac or PC. Advanced filters make it easy to search for documents, photos, or videos. With built-in FTP or email clients, EDS14 lets you organize and share files through an advanced web application effortlessly. You can even share files and folders with others by simply sending a link. Files can be reached on mobile devices via the companion mobile app DS file. HTTPS, SSL/TLS encryption, and link expiry dates also ensure file sharing over the Internet is highly secure. Learn more

The most compatible sharing
Enjoy seamless files sharing across Windows®, Mac®, and Linux® platforms as EDS14 offers comprehensive network protocol support including FTP, SMB2, AFP, NFS and WebDAV. You also won't worry about missing files with the Recycle Bin feature which is supported on AFP, CIFS, File Station, and WebDAV. All files deleted in a shared folder will be automatically moved into the Recycle Bin. Learn more
Your files anywhere with cloud service
EDS14 brings you comprehensive cloud service. Cloud Station lets you sync files among DiskStations and multiple devices, including Windows PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, as well as Windows mobile devices, whereas 2-way sync allows file synchronization among different DiskStations. With Cloud Sync, you can even sync your DiskStation with Amazon Cloud Drive, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox, Box, Baidu Cloud, and many more — establish your hybrid cloud to enjoy more storage flexibility and prevent data loss. Learn more

Enjoy multimedia library
EDS14 provides you a central platform to organize, backup, and share photos, music, and video collections. Featuring a streamlined and sleek interface, Synology packages — Photo Station, Audio Station and Video Station — let you build a seamless entertainment hub effortlessly. Since everything is saved on EDS14, you can enjoy more customizable content arrangement, and no worries about extra monthly fees for storage capacity. Better yet, your digital collections can be shared with others via a simple link. Learn more

Photo StationVideo StationAudio Station
Stream content to your TV
EDS14 is highly compatible with other devices, letting you manage and enjoy digital content with the devices you already have: computers, mobile devices, TVs, DLNA devices, and stereos. Synology offers the latest support for TV streaming, including Samsung TV, Roku players, Apple TV, and Google Chromecast, meaning you can stream digital content stored on EDS14 to your widescreen TV effortlessly. Learn more

Samsung TVApple TVChromecastRoku
Get mobility with our apps
Synology develops versatile mobile apps — DS note, DS audio, DS video, DS photo, DS cloud, DS file, DS get and DS cam — allowing you to access and manage the contents of your EDS14 with smartphones and tablets. QuickConnect brings an easier network experience as it eliminates complicated router configuration or port forwarding. With Synology mobile apps, your multimedia collection and work files are always on the go. Learn more

Performance figures may vary depending on environment, usage and configuration.

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