ATEN 宏正 cs782dp display port kvm 2端口 切换器

2端口USB DisplayPort KVM多电脑切换器
ATEN CS782DP 2端口USB DisplayPort KVM多电脑切换器支持真正4K UHD高分辨率,可让用户通过单一USB键盘、USB鼠标及DisplayPort屏幕控制操作2台4K UHD电脑。
CS782DP提供三种简易的切换方法- 外接式切换按键、鼠标与热键,让用户可以弹性地在两台电脑间进行切换。针对音频需求,CS782DP支持高质量的音频,提供了全方位的多媒体解决方案。除了提供高质量影像与音频能力,CS782DP轻巧袖珍的外型与流线美学设计,让CS782DP适用于任何工作环境。
- 可通过一组DisplayPort屏幕及一组USB键盘、鼠标管理两台DisplayPort接口电脑
- 完全兼容于DisplayPort 1.2规范
- 可通过外接式线控器、热键及鼠标*切换操作电脑
- 支持高画质视频分辨率- 4K UHD(3840x2160@60Hz)
- 支持多种操作系统- Windows、Linux、Mac及Sun
- 兼容于HDCP规格
- 支持MST(Multi-Stream Transport)**功能- 单一DisplayPort影像来源可输出至多台DisplayPort显示器
- 双模DisplayPort (DP++)***- 通过DisplayPort转HDMI/DVI DP++视频转换器输出Single-link DVI或HDMI信号
- 兼容于LCD宽屏幕
- 电源开启侦测- 若其中一台电脑电源关闭,CS782DP会自动切换至下一台已开启电源的电脑
- 支持音效- 2.1重低音立体环绕音效
- 可通过DisplayPort传输HD高质量音频****
- 支持KVM与音频独立切换4,提升系统操作的弹性
- 支持多媒体键盘
- 支持无线键盘与鼠标
- 控制端鼠标仿真/by pass功能支持大多数鼠标驱动程序与多功能鼠标
- 支持Mac/Sun键盘与特殊按键仿真*****
- USB 2.0鼠标端口可用于连接USB Hub分享USB接口设备******
- 无需外接电源
- 支持固件更新
* 使用三键鼠标与鼠标仿真模式开启的情况下才能通过鼠标做电脑切换
** MST(Multi-Stream Transport)功能需搭配支持DisplayPort 1.2菊式串接功能(Daisy-chaining)的显示器,或使用具独立供电设计的DisplayPort MST Hub;电脑端信号来源必须符合DisplayPort 1.2规范
*** 双模DisplayPort(DP++)功能需搭配支持独立供电设计的DP++视频转换器;电脑端视频来源需符合于DP++规范
***** 通过DisplayPort传输的HD高质量音频无法独立切换
***** (1) PC键盘组合可仿真Mac/Sun键盘 (2) Mac/Sun键盘仅能与Mac/Sun电脑搭配使用
****** USB Hub设备可能需外接额外的电源;需关闭CS782DP的鼠标仿真功能

电脑连接数 | 2 | ||
电脑切换选择 | 热键、鼠标、外接式切换按键 | ||
接口 | 控制端 | 2 x USB Type A 母头 (黑) 1 x DisplayPort 母头 (黑) 1 x 3.5mm 音频插孔 母头 (绿) | |
电脑端 | 2 x USB Type B 母头(白) 2 x DisplayPort 母头 (黑) 2 x 3.5mm 音频插孔 母头 (绿) | ||
外接式切换按键 | 1 x Mini 立体声插孔 | ||
线缆长度 | 电脑端 | 2 x 1.8 m USB 线缆 2 x 1.8 m 音频线缆 2 x 1.5 m DisplayPort 线缆 | |
外接式切换按键 | 1.8 m | ||
LED指示灯 | 电脑 | 2 (白) | |
模拟方式 | 键盘/鼠标 | USB | |
视频分辨率 | 4K UHD (3840 x 2160 @ 60Hz) | ||
扫描区间 | 3, 5, 10, 20秒 (默认为5秒) | ||
耗电量 | DC 5V, 4W | ||
作业环境 | 操作温度 | 0 - 50˚C | |
储存温度 | -20 - 60˚C | ||
湿度 | 0 - 80% RH, 无凝结 | ||
机体属性 | 外壳 | 塑料 | |
重量 | 0.12 kg | ||
尺寸 (长 x 宽 x 高) | 9.37 x 9.30 x 2.68 cm |
- CS782DP
2-Port USB DisplayPort KVM Switch
4K UHD SupportedWith the ever-growing demand for higher video quality and the evolution of DisplayPort technology, 4K-enabled computers and displays are now widely adopted in visually-intensive and commercial applications. Offering up to 4K UHD resolution, the ATEN CS782DP is at home amongst these demanding scenarios and technological advancements.
The ATEN CS782DP 2-Port USB DisplayPort KVM Switch features 4K UHD video resolution and allows users to access two 4K-enabled computers from a single USB keyboard, USB mouse, and DisplayPort video console.
Doing so with ease, the CS782DP provides three convenient switching methods – using a remote port selector, mouse, or hotkeys for flexible access to any computer connected to the installation. The product even provides premium audio support for a complete multimedia solution. To round off the entire experience, the streamlined, space-saving design of CS782DP also makes it ideal for any working environment.
With its rich feature set, the CS782DP is designed to surpass all requirements in graphic design, animation, and video-editing applications.

- One DisplayPort video console controls two USB computers
- Fully DisplayPort 1.2 Compliant
- Computer selection via remote port selector, hotkeys, and USB mouse*
- Superior video quality – up to 4K UHD (3840 × 2160@60Hz)
- Multiplatform support – Windows, Mac, Sun, Linux
- HDCP Compliant
- Supports MST (Multi-Stream Transport)**, enabling multiple monitors to be used via a single DisplayPort connector
- Supports DisplayPort Dual Mode (DP++)*** for directly outputting single-link HDMI and or DVI signals via an externally powered DisplayPort-to-HDMI/DVI DP++ adapter
- Compatible with widescreen LCD monitors
- Power on detection – if either of the computers is powered off, the CS782DP will automatically switch to the other computer
- Audio-enabled – full bass response provides a rich experience for 2.1 channel surround sound systems
- Supports HD Audio**** through DisplayPort playback
- Independent switching of the KVM and Audio focus**** allows convenient multi-tasking
- Supports multimedia keyboards
- Supports wireless keyboards and mice
- Console mouse port emulation/bypass feature supports most mouse drivers and multifunction mice
- Mac/Sun keyboard support and emulation*****
- USB 2.0 mouse port can be used for USB hub and USB peripheral sharing******
- Bus-Powered
- Firmware upgradable
* Mouse port switching is only supported under mouse emulation mode and by USB 3-key wheel mice.
** MST (Multi-Stream Transport) requires either monitors that are capable of DisplayPort 1.2 daisy chaining, or use of an externally powered DisplayPort MST Hub. The PC source must be DisplayPort 1.2 compliant. DP++ (DP Dual Mode) requires use of an externally powered DP++ adapter. Graphics source must be DP++ compliant.
*** DisplayPort Dual Mode (DP++) requires the use of a powered DP++ adapter. The graphics source must be DP++ compliant.
**** HD audio through DisplayPort cannot be switched independently.
***** a. PC keyboard combinations emulate Mac/Sun keyboards. b. Mac/Sun keyboards work only with their own computers.
****** This feature may require an extra power adapter to be connected to the USB hub and that the CS782DP’s Mouse Emulation Mode be disabled. - 成都科汇科技有限公司 成立于 2004年,拥有十年KVM行业经验,为您提供完整的行业解决方案。HDMI DVI VGA、视频分配、切换、 延长、及高清信号转换接口。公司现已成为四川地区 Aten 宏正 官方唯一授权代理商
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