VE805R ATEN 宏正 CAT5 视频信号接收器 hdbase-lite
品牌: [查询该品牌全部商品] 单位:个 积分:0 重量:0 克 VE805R HDBaseT
HDMI HDBaseT-Lite信号接收器+升频功能 VE805R Zoom In VE805R VE805R VE805R VE805R HDMI HDBaseT-Lite接收器具备升频功能,搭配ATENHDMI HDBaseT产品可通过单一Cat 5e/6a线缆延伸HDMI显示设备远达60米。 VE805R内建升频器,支持扩展显示不同的视频分辨率,通过搭配ATEN VM8514 HDBaseT输出板卡,可支持电视墙及无缝切换技术。除此之外,VE805R支持RS-232和红外线信号传输,可从远程到本地设备或从本地到远程设备来控制RS-232和红外线通道,用于来源设备或显示设备的双向控制。
HDBaseT技术 - 通过单一cat5e/6/6a线缆延长VM8514的HDBaseT输出端口和显示设备间的距离
HDBaseT抗干扰能力 - HDBaseT技术可在传输高质量影像时提供较好的抗干扰能力
双向RS-232通道 - 可连接串口终端机或串口设备,例如触控式屏幕与条形码扫描仪
升频功能 - 缩放功能可将电视墙与各种输出格式无缝整合
无缝切换技术(Seamless Switch™) - 接近0秒切换提供了连续的信号源、实时切换和稳定的信号传输*
电视墙功能 - 通过网页GUI界面以客制化设定电视墙配置文件*
双向红外线通道 - 红外线传输一次仅供单向传输**
* VE805R搭配VM8514可支持无缝切换与电视墙功能。
**支持全频红外线信号30KHz至60KHz; 包装内所附的红外线接收器线缆信号仅支持30KHz至56KHz。

视频输入 | 接口 | 1 x RJ-45 母头 (银) |
阻抗 | 100Ώ | |
视频输出 | 接口 | 1 x HDMI Type A 母头 (黑) |
阻抗 | 100Ώ | |
视频 | 最大数据传输率 | 6.75 Gpbs (2.25 Gbps 每通道) |
最大像素时钟频率 | 225 MHz | |
规范 | HDMI (3D, 深色) 兼容于HDCP1.4; HDBaseT | |
最高分辨率/距离 | 高达1080p @60m (Cat 5e/6); 70m (Cat 6a) | |
控制 | RS-232 | 1 x 3孔端子台 |
IR | 1 x Mini 立体声插孔 母头 (黑) | |
电源 | 接口: 1 x DC 插孔 (银); 耗电量: 5 VDC, 9.5W | |
作业环境 | 操作温度 | 0-50°C |
储存温度 | -20°C - 60°C | |
湿度 | 0 - 80% RH, 无凝结 | |
机体属性 | 外壳 | 金属 |
重量 | 0.83 kg | |
尺寸 (长 x 宽 x 高) | 18.19 x 16.92 x 4.20 cm |
- * The specification and pictures are subject to change without notice.
VE805R HDBaseT
HDMI HDBaseT-Lite Receiver with Scaler
(HDBaseT Class B)
VE805R Zoom In VE805R VE805R VE805R
The VE805R HDMI HDBaseT-Lite Receiver with Scaler can be combined with ATEN HDMI HDBaseT products to extend your HDMI display up to 60 m from your HDMI source device using a single Cat 5e/6a cable.
With a built-in scaler, the VE805R supports scaling the display of different video resolutions. When combined with the ATEN VM8514 HDBaseT Output Board, it supports video wall integration and Seamless Switch™ functions. In addition, the VE805R is equipped with RS-232 and IR signaling pass-through, which allows RS-232 and IR channels to be controlled either from the remote to local unit or from the local to remote unit, for bi-directional control of the source or display device.
HDBaseT Connectivity – extends the connection between the VM8514 HDBaseT outputs and an HDMI display over a long distance via single Cat 5e/6a cable
HDBaseT Anti-jamming – resists signal interference during high quality video transmissions using HDBaseT technology
Bi-directional RS-232 channel – allows you to connect to serial terminals or serial devices, such as touch screens and barcode scanners
Scaler – features a scaling function to integrate a video wall seamlessly with various output formats
Seamless Switch™ – close-to-zero second switching that provides continuous video streams, real-time switching and stable signal transmissions*
Video Wall – features configurable video wall profiles available for custom screen layouts via simple point-n-click web GUI*
Bi-directional IR channel – IR transmission is processed one direction at a time**
* The Seamless Switch™ and video wall functions are available when the VE805R is used with the VM8514.
** Supports full frequency IR signals from 30KHz to 60KHz; however the IR receiver cable included with the package only supports 30KHz to 56 KHz.
成都科汇科技有限公司 成立于 2004年,拥有十年KVM行业经验,为您提供完整的行业解决方案。HDMI DVI VGA、视频分配、切换、 延长、及高清信号转换接口。公司现已成为四川地区 Aten 宏正 官方唯一授权代理商
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