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ce690 ATEN 宏正 DVI 光纤 KVM延长器 延长距离 20KM 支持高清 1920*1200 视频
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CE690 Zoom In CE690 CE690
CE690 DVI光纤KVM信号延长器突破一般DVI标准线缆距离的限制,通过光纤技术延伸高质量音频、视频及控制端信号达20km。单一3.125Gbps光纤连结传送一组本地的视频/音频信号来源(分辨率最高为1920x1200@60Hz,24-bits)。
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CE690 Zoom In CE690  CE690
CE690 DVI光纤KVM信号延长器突破一般DVI标准线缆距离的限制,通过光纤技术延伸高质量音频、视频及控制端信号达20km。单一3.125Gbps光纤连结传送一组本地的视频/音频信号来源(分辨率最高为1920x1200@60Hz,24-bits)。

除了延长键盘及鼠标的操作外,CE690也可双向传输RS-232(高达115kbps)与USB信号。RS-232可连接至串口设备如条形码扫描器;另可通过本地及远程设备的USB Type A端口连接触控屏幕设备,由远程控制端执行操控。

CE690可由本地或远程的控制端(USB键盘、显示器及鼠标)访问电脑系统。此外,通过光纤技术连结远程及本地设备,提供用户更快速简便的安装方式以及更长距离的DVI信号传输 - 达20km(CE690)。

支持DVI-D接口以及传输DVI Single Link信号
视频分辨分辨率高达1920x1200@60Hz(24位, 3.125Gbps) - 长距离传输高清信号至显示设备,最远可达20km
支持触控屏幕 - 连接一台最高可支持10点触控的触控式屏幕设备(无需安装额外的驱动程序)
双控制端操作- 通过本地及远程控制端(USB键盘、鼠标和显示器)控管您的系统
RS-232串口连接端口 - 可连接串口终端机或串口设备,例如触控式屏幕与条形码扫描仪(波特率115200bps)
电脑唤醒功能 - 按下远程设备的前面板按键即可通过本地RS-232唤醒本地的电脑
音频功能 - 支持立体声扬声器与麦克风

CE690 Diagram

接口电脑端显示器1 x DVI-D 母头 (白)N/A
扬声器1 x 迷你立体声插孔 母头 (绿)N/A
麦克风1 x 迷你立体声插孔 母头
USB(键盘 / 鼠标)1 x USB Type B 母头 (白)N/A
USB (触控屏幕)1 x USB Type B 母头 (白)N/A
控制端键盘1 x USB Type A 母头 (白)
显示器1 x DVI-D 母头 (白)
鼠标1 x USB Type A 母头 (白)
扬声器1 x 迷你立体声插孔 母头 (绿)
麦克风1 x 迷你立体声插孔 母头 (粉红)
USB (触控屏幕)1 x USB Type A 母头 (白)
RS-2321 x DB-9 母头 (黑)1 x DB-9 公头 (黑)
电源1 x DC 插孔 (黑)
光纤输入/输出1 x 双向 SFP (LC)
LED指示灯本地1 (绿)N/A
远程1 (绿)1 (绿)
连线1 (绿)1 (绿)
按键操作模式按键1 x 按键
PC唤醒功能N/A1 x 按键
光纤操控距离*20km 单模光纤 (SM)
波长1310/1550 nm , SM
数据速率单纤 : 3.125G bps
耗电量DC5.3V, 10.2WDC5.3V, 9.0W
湿度0–80% RH, 无凝结
重量1.10 kg1.08 kg
(长 × 宽 × 高)
21.50 x 16.29 x 4.18 cm21.50 x 16.29 x 4.18 cm

注:* 光纤输入/输出端口对应颜色说明
        CE680L - 蓝色,CE680R - 黄色,CE690L - 紫色,CE690R - 白色
      **1. 操作距离为预估值,距离可能依光纤类型、频宽、连接头、信号损耗、模态色散、光的色散、环境因素以及扭曲度等而有所影响
          2. 建议使用符合IEC 60793-2-50 B1.1或ITU-T G.652.B规范的单模光纤线缆


Long Distance DVI Optical KVM Extender

CE690 Zoom In CE690  CE690  CE690

The CE690 is a DVI Optical KVM Extender that overcomes the length restrictions of standard DVI cables by using fiber optics to send high definition audio, video and control signals over long distances. The CE690 can transmit KVM DVI signals extremely long distances - up to 20 km away from the source. The extender takes audio/video streams from the local source and serializes the data to pass it over a single 3.125 Gbps optical link, for resolutions up to 1920 x 1200 @ 60Hz, 24-bits, with picture perfect quality.

In addition to extending keyboard and mouse control, the CE690 also transfers RS-232 signals (up to 115 kbps) and USB signals in both directions, with ports for both, allowing you to connect serial devices, such as barcode scanners; or USB devices such as touchscreens, which can provide access to a computer connected at the local site - up to 20 km away. 

The CE690 allows access to a computer from both the local and remote consoles (USB keyboard, monitor, and mouse). Furthermore, the CE690 takes advantage of the newest fiber optic cable technology to connect the local and remote units; providing easy installation and an extremely long 20 km extension of KVM DVI signals.

Allows access to a computer or KVM installation from a local / remote console

Supports DVI-D interface and allows transmission of DVI single-link signals

Superior video quality of up to 1920 x 1200 @ 60 Hz (24-bits) - get an excellent, crisp image on your screen over long distance transmissions up to 20 km*

Touchscreen support - connect a generic touchscreen, including devices up to 10-point multi-touch, to accommodate highly interactive applications (no extra drivers needed)

Dual console operation - control your system from both the local and remote USB keyboard, monitor, and mouse consoles

Uses one fiber optic cable to connect the local and remote units

HDCP compatible

RS-232 serial port - connect to a serial terminal, or serial devices such as barcode scanners (Baud Rate 115200 bps)

PC Wakeup support - use a pushbutton on a Remote Unit to wake a PC at the local site via RS-232

Audio Enabled - supports stereo speakers and microphone

Rack mountable

成都科汇科技有限公司 成立于 2004年,拥有十年KVM行业经验,为您提供完整的行业解决方案。HDMI DVI VGA、视频分配、切换、 延长、及高清信号转换接口。公司现已成为四川地区 Aten 宏正 官方授权代理商  

企业QQ:  4000281235 
